Olami Social Media Posts

Reel Sample

Link to Instagram Reel

This reel is a highlight from our #CampusChats initiative, originally designed to coincide with the Allies Against Antisemitism campaign. As part of this collaboration, we regularly submitted content for approval and publication on our Instagram and TikTok channels. The video showcased here is one of my contributions, where I share creative ways to observe Sukkot while on campus.

Post Sample

Link to Instagram Post

We would typically post these conversation starters weekly. We would come up woth topics and also comment on them. Here is one comment I wrote regarding the post.

"My college, UC Santa Barbara fosters connections between cultures through a variety of ways. We have many cultural clubs, organizations and centers on campus that you can join and become a part of that community. My school also does a good job of spreading awareness of cultural holidays and events being held on campus to encourage people to come together through social media and emails. We have a large international population as well and there's many clubs to support those students. We also have study abroad programs that a large amount of students participate in, which helps facilitate cultural learning, awareness, and connections."

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